You plan to start in foreign trade?
We will be happy to provide you with the customs services of the highest quality and will help you:
The services we provide:
Accreditation. Accreditation - this is a mandatory registration of foreign economic activity of enterprises in the customs authorities are to conduct foreign trade, which is conducted in the relevant customs authority at the state registration of enterprises .....................detail.
Customs clearance (import, export). Customs - is carrying out customs formalities required for the release of goods, means of transport for commercial use.....................detail.
KONSALTINOGOVYE SERVICES. Purpose of consulting services in the customs exemption is legitimate economic resources for future use in economic activity, which allows the business entity legally avoid or to some extent reduce the payments to the budget in the form of tax, customs and other charges.....................detail.
CLEARANCE IMPORT OIL AND GAS (transportation services). LLC "Custombrok" - customs broker, the main focus of which is to provide services for customs clearance of oil and gas (transportation services w / a cargo).....................detail.